How I lost the contest but gained critical ice cream knowledge with my Summer Sweet Corn and Buttermilk Blackberry Ice Cream recipe.
Kitchen Gardening
Hope, Hope, Hope, Hope…
I almost hesitate to say it, for fear of jinxing it somehow, but this has absolutely been my most successful year in the garden thus far. Who knew how much difference a fence, dogs keeping deer away and two additional raised beds would make? Well, I did, of course, and now I have no one…
Progress in the Garden
Between the voluminous rain and weather warm-up, the garden is going gangbusters. Flowers abound, promising future fruit.
How I made my drip irrigation system “smart” and automatic
Though this site mostly chronicles my adventures in the natural domain, astute readers may have guessed what a tech dork I actually am. If you haven’t, you’ll be certain after this post. In my work life, I’m online all the time and I’ve seen software developers make great strides recently toward automating formerly mundane tasks….