I made a video about landscaping with native plants
I recently joined the Native Plant Society of Texas, and was pleased to receive an email about their annual video contest. My first thought was that it would be a great thing to work on with my kids — what a great bonding experience. Well, it became clear in not-too-long that this project was MUCH…
Quarantine Hobbies: Birdwatching
It seems like every time I get interested in something new (like quilting), I start to do research only to find I’m the million-and-first person to think about taking up the hobby during the pandemic. Apparently, birdwatching, aka birding, is so hot right now. Aside: I can’t think of birding without conjuring the image of…
Quarantine Hobbies: Sewing/Quilting
Like many (if the news/feature stories I’m reading are any indication), I’ve taken up a new hobby to soothe my troubled soul during this pandemic. I’ve had a sewing machine for a few Christmases now but hadn’t progressed all that much in my learning — or so I thought. I guess over the years I’ve…