Current Affairs
Utility Biking… With a Little Help From Electricity
Before I wrote about the Faraday Porteur electric bikeĀ back in July, I honestly didn’t even know electric bikes existed. And, now, after reams of research and nearly a week’s test drive, I’m becoming the proud owner of one of these wonders of technology. My new bike is the Pedego City Commuter, which I’m picking up…
The Enduring (And Ever-Evolving) Sherlock Holmes
Tonight marks the debut of a television show, called Elementary, based on the characters and adventures from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes” detective stories. It’s just the latest in a series of recent adaptations, from the 2009 movie starring Robert Downey Jr., to the BBC’s Sherlock, which starred Benedict Cumberbatch and co-starred Martin Freeman…
Emails From September 2001
Following, emails and photos I sent to family members in the days and weeks after the attacks of September 11, 2001. From pparker@reporters.net Tue Sep 11 09:00:43 2001 Importance: High X-eGroups-From: “Parker, Pamela” From: “Parker, Pamela” Subject: situationĀ Hi. I just wanted everyone to know I am ok and unhurt in all of this mess,…